January 12, 2025

Dear Siblings in Christ,

God’s peace be with you during this Epiphany season.

On Sunday, January 26th, Edgebrook Lutheran Church will meet for our Annual Congregational Meeting to reflect on our past and consider our future, making decisions that affect our common life together as the priesthood of all believers. We will gather together for worship at 10:00am in the sanctuary, followed by the annual meeting in Fellowship Hall and then a potluck lunch.

Edgebrook Lutheran Church Council offers a virtual component for the annual meeting to accommodate the current spike in respiratory illnesses in our area and are unable to attend. This is in line with our constitution with the opportunity for “simultaneous aural communication”. As in the past, absentee voting and votes by proxy will not be permitted

The Annual Report for 2024 will be available on the church website as early as the week of January 12, and will also be available for pick-up at the church office and next to our worship spaces.

We are writing this letter to all voting members before our annual meeting so the conversation is thoughtful and robust and result in an outcome that we all can actively and eagerly support. Along with receiving reports from each committee, the following items are for your consideration:

·      Electing 3 leaders to serve on the church council.

·      Electing 4 leaders to serve on the nominating committee for 2025-2026

·      Electing up to 3 representatives for the 2025 MetroChicago Synod Assembly

·      Approving the 2025 Budget


Thank you for sharing in God’s ministry with us, and we look forward to seeing you for worship and the annual meeting on Sunday, January 26th. Every voting member is highly encouraged to attend. ZOOM log-in instructions can be found below. Please email the Church Council (council@edgebrooklutheran.org) with any questions.

In Christ,

Edgebrook Lutheran Church Council



Please note that this is the same log-in information for our check-in and bible study, and is posted on our church website and in our weekly email blast.


The instructions for accessing the meeting are as follows:

To join the meeting on your computer or mobile device, go to this website:


When prompted, type in the following information:

Meeting ID: 613 087 688          Password: 554026


To join the meeting by calling on your phone:

Dial this number: +1 312 626 6799     US (Chicagoland)

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kepACvAQGq

When prompted, press the following information on your numberpad.

Meeting ID: 613 087 688          Password: 554026


Again, please email the Church Council (council@edgebrooklutheran.org) if you have any questions.

Thank you for your patience. We look forward to “seeing you” at worship and at the annual meeting. God bless and be well!


ELC’s Council: Ryan Gray, Sidney Cerqueira Bispo dos Santos Filho, Barb Stadie, Susan Schabowski, Kevin Campbell, Malia Coulter, Renee Hansen, Sheryl Markov, Camden Rush, Rev. Christina Garrett Klein