Dear Members of Edgebrook Lutheran Church,
On Sunday, January 30th, Edgebrook Lutheran Church has our Annual Congregational Meeting on ZOOM to reflect on our past and consider our future, making decisions that affect our common life together as the priesthood of all believers. We will gather for worship virtually at 10:00am on Facebook LIVE, followed by the annual meeting on ZOOM. Sunday School and Confirmation class will not meet that day.
The Annual Report for 2021 will be available HERE and hard copies are available for pick-up at the church office. Along with receiving reports from each committee, the following items are for your consideration:
Electing 4 new leaders to serve on the council for 2022-2025.
Electing 4 individuals to serve on the nominating committee for 2022-2023.
Electing 2 representatives for the 2022 Metropolitan Chicago Synod Assembly
Approving the 2022 Budget
As in the past, absentee voting and votes by proxy will not be permitted.
We will conduct our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 30th via ZOOM (see below for instructions.) Every voting member is highly encouraged to attend. Zoom is an online platform that allows people to have virtual meetings through their phone or internet-enabled device. You can join this Zoom meeting by calling in, through an internet browser on a computer or through the Zoom app on your device.
Those without access to the internet can call during the time of the vote (should there be more nominees for elected positions) and leave a voicemail with their name and their vote. Voicemail votes need to be time-stamped during the time of the congregational meeting.
Please email the Church Council ( with any questions.
In Christ,
Edgebrook Lutheran Church Council